

美剧天堂提供影视作品全美超模大赛第一季高清全集在线观看的影视全集网,欧美综艺《全美超模大赛第一季》全集作品的导演是Claudia Frank  Bob Schermerhorn   ,由Tyra  Banks  主演,全美超模大赛第一季在豆瓣的评分为5.0,本片由小编于2024-04-06 04:48更新,希望大家喜欢,可以把《全美超模大赛第一季》推荐给你朋友,本作品的地址为 https://www.meijutt.la/tiantang/2745.html


  This show is quite possibly the biggest waste of videotape, electricity, and RF bandwidth in the 70+ year history of television. It's nothing but 60 minutes of some of the worst bile that can come out of human beings, male or female. Basically, it's nothing but pure bitchy, catty, c*nty, vile harpiness among the contestants, judges, and the fashionistas (or should I say fashionazis). Typically a lot of insulting, backbiting, and bitchy, unnecessarily anal-retentive criticism.
  The thing that gets me about the show is how much the judges and fashionazis (and the pretentious & shallow fashion industry in general) nit-pick against the equally bitchy contestants about little, petty, trivial, frivolous, anal-retentive things about their appearance, personality, etc. Things that the *REAL* people in this world (which the fashion industry lacks, thankfully) wouldn't give rat's ass number 1 about. (Myself included.)
  Crap like: "Oh, your left eyebrow is a yoctometer off center. That isn't gonna fly, and nobody will take you seriously in this industry because of it!" Or, "You're breathing wrong. Good luck with winning this competition." I'm just kidding here, but they usually end up saying things almost exactly like this on this show.
  If getting into the fashion industry is this hard, painful, bitchy, insulting, nit-picky, catty, backstabbing, and anal-retentive as this show tries to portray, than thank the good Lord that He made me all fat, balding, hairy, and dumpy-frumpy-dowdy-frowsy-geeky-lookin', because I would never want to be required to have the caustic bitchiness and anal, pretentious attitude of any model or fashionazi (or any fashion industry worker), namely the people on this show.
  And Janice Dickinson, mercy, do not get me started on her...
  This show needs to die. It's this show (and many other "reality" shows like it) that proves that competitiveness (and the fashion industry) is truly the devil's tool...


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